This bibliography of research studies, articles and other reference sources is organized by content order on our website. It is a growing resource that we add to regularly.
Particle pollution
Wood smoke is particle pollution
Allen G, Rector L. Characterization of Residential Woodsmoke PM2.5 in the Adirondacks of New York. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2020; 20: 2419–2432.
Anastasopolos A, Hopke P, Sofowote U, Zhang J, Johnson M. Local and regional sources of urban ambient PM2.5 exposures in Calgary, Canada. Atmospheric Environment. 2022; 290:119383.
Bari A, Baumbach G, Kuch B, Scheffknecht G. Air pollution in residential areas from wood-fired heating. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2011; 11:749–757.
Bari A, Baumbach G, Kuch B, Scheffknecht G. Temporal variation and impact of wood smoke pollution on a residential area in southern Germany. Atmospheric Environment. 2010; 44(31):3823–3832.
Bennett DH, McKone TE, Evans JS, Nazaroff WW, Margni MD, Jolliet O, Smith KR. Defining intake fraction. Environmental Science & Technology. 2002; 36(9):207A–211A.
Boman BC, Forsberg AB, Järvholm BG. Adverse health effects from ambient air pollution in relation to residential wood combustion in modern society. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2003; 29(4):251–260.
Borrego C, Valente J, Carvalho A, Sá E, Lopes M, Miranda AI. Contribution of residential wood combustion to PM10 levels in Portugal. Atmospheric Environment. 2010; 44(5):642–651.
Carrington D. Wood burning at home now biggest cause of UK particle pollution. The Guardian. 2021, Feb 16.
Caseiro A, Bauer H, Schmidl C, Pio CA, Puxbaum H. Wood burning impact on PM10 in three Austrian regions. Atmospheric Environment. 2009; 43(3),13:2186–2195.
Corsini E, Marinovich M, Vecchi R. Ultrafine particles from residential biomass combustion: a review on experimental data and toxicological response. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019; 20(20):4992.
Danish Ecological Council. Pollution from residential burning: danish experience in an international perspective. 2016. (PDF download)
Davis N. London on pollution ‘high alert’ due to cold air, traffic, and wood burning. The Guardian. 2017, January 25.
Denier van der Gon HAC, Bergström R, Fountoukis C, Johansson C, Pandis SN, Simpson D, Visschedijk AJH. Particulate emissions from residential wood combustion in Europe—revised estimates and an evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2015; 15:6503–6519.
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Emergency measures unveiled to combat smog over Greek cities. Kathimerini English Edition. 2013. Retrieved from
Evans GJ, Jeong C. Data analysis and source apportionment of PM2.5 in Golden, British Columbia using positive matrix factorization (PMF). Southern Ontario Centre for Atmospheric Aerosol Research University of Toronto. 2007.
Fairley D. Sources of Bay Area fine particles: 2010 update and trends. Publication of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. 2010.
Favez O, Cachier H, Sciare J, Sarda-Estève R, Martinon L. Evidence for a significant contribution of wood burning aerosols to PM2.5 during the winter season in Paris, France. Atmospheric Environment. 2009; 43(22–23):3640–3644.
Fuller G. How one German village exemplifies the cancer risk from wood burning. The Guardian. 2024, March 22.
Fuller G. Wood heating could be worse than thought for rural air, study suggests. The Guardian. 2026, Dec 13.
Fuller GW, Tremper AH, Baker TD, Yttri KE, Butterfield D. Contribution of wood burning to PM10 in London. Atmospheric Environment. 2014; 87:87–94.
Genberg J, Hyder M, Stenström K, Bergström R, Simpson D, Fors EO, Jönsson JÅ, Swietlicki E. Source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosol in southern Sweden. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2011; 11:11387–11400.
Gilmore H. State’s top doctor says we should consider banning wood fire heaters. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2014, July 5.
Glasius M, Ketzel M, Whåhlin P, Jensen B, Mønster J, Berkowicz R, Palmgren F. Impact of wood combustion on particle levels in a residential area in Denmark. Atmospheric Environment. 2006; 40:7115–7124.
Glojek K, Močnik G, Alas HDC, Cuesta-Mosquera A, Drinovec L, Gregorič A, Ogrin M, Weinhold K, Ježek I, Müller T, et al. The impact of temperature inversions on black carbon and particle mass concentrations in a mountainous area. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022; 22(8):5577–5601.
Grange SK, Salmond JA, Trompetter WJ, Davy PK, Ancelet T. Effect of atmospheric stability on the impact of domestic wood combustion to air quality of a small urban township in winter. Atmospheric Environment. 2013; 70:28–38.
Hibberd MF, Selleck PW, Keywood MD, Cohen DD, Stelcer E, Atanacio AJ. Upper Hunter fine particle characterisation study. CSIRO, Australia. 2013.
Hong K, Weichenthal S, Saraswat A, King G, Henderson S, Brauer M. Systematic identification and prioritization of communities impacted by residential woodsmoke in British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Pollution. 2017; 220b:797–806.
Janssen NAH, Hoek G, Simic-Lawson M, Fischer P, van Bree L, et al. Black carbon as an additional indicator of the adverse health effects of airborne particles compared with PM10 and PM2.5. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2011; 119(12):1691–1699.
Jeong C, Evans GJ, Dann T, Graham M, Herod D, Dabek-Zlotorzynska E, Mathieu D, Ding L, Wang D. Influence of biomass burning on wintertime fine particulate matter: source contribution at a valley site in rural British Columbia. Atmospheric Environment. 2008; 42:3684–3699.
Kleeman MJ, Riddle SG, Robert MA, Jakober CA, Fine PM, Hays MD, Schauer JJ, Hannigan MP. Source apportionment of fine (PM1.8) and Ultrafine (PM0.1) airborne particulate matter during a severe winter pollution episode. Environmental Science and Technology. 2009; 43(2):272–279.
Knapton S. Air pollution in London passes levels in Beijing … and wood burners are making the problem worse. The Telegraph. 2017, January 25.
Kotchenruther RA. Source apportionment of PM2.5 at multiple Northwest US sites: assessing regional winter wood smoke impacts from residential wood combustion. Atmospheric Environment. 2016; 142:210–219.
Kourtchev I, Hellebust S, Bell JM, O'Connor IP, Healy RM, Allanic A, Healy D, Wenger JC, Sodeau JR. The use of polar organic compounds to estimate the contribution of domestic solid fuel combustion and biogenic sources to ambient levels of organic carbon and PM2.5 in Cork Harbour, Ireland. Science of the Total Environment. 2011; 409(11):2143–55.
Krecl P, Hedberg Larsson E, Ström J, Johansson C. Contribution of residential wood combustion and other sources to hourly winter aerosol in Northern Sweden determined by positive matrix factorization. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2008; 8:3639–3653.
Kukkonen J, Lopez-Aparicio S, Segersson D, Geels C, Kangas L, Kauhaniemi M, Maragkidou A, Jensen A, Assmut T, Karppinen, A, et al. The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2020; 20: 4333–4365.
Languille B, Gros V, Petit JE, Honoré C, Baudic A, Perrussel O, Foret G, Michoud V, Truong F, Bonnaire N, et al. Wood burning: A major source of volatile organic compounds during wintertime in the Paris region. Science of the Total Environment. 2020; 711(5):135055.
Laurenson J. Amazing views and dirty air in French Alps. BBC News online. 2017, 7 March.
Li AF, Zhang KM, Allen G, Zhang S, Yang B, Gu J, Hashad K, Sward J, Felton D, Rattigan O. Ambient sampling of real-world residential wood combustion plumes. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2022; (72)7:710–719.
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division. Investigation of the impact of burning upon ambient PM2.5 levels in Owosso during November 2011. 2012.
Naeher L, Brauer M, Lipsett M, Zelikoff J, Simpson C, et al. Woodsmoke health effects: A review. Inhalation Toxicology. 2007; 19(1):67–106.
Ogrin M, Glojek K, Gregorič A, Močnik G, Cuesta-Mosquera A, Wiedensohler A, Drinovec L. Hidden black carbon air pollution in hilly rural areas: A case study of dinaric depression. European Journal of Geography. 2020; 11(2).
Plejdrup MS, Nielsen O, Brandt J. Spatial emission modelling for residential wood combustion in Denmark. Atmospheric Environment. 2016; 144:389–396.
Ries F, Marshall J, Brauer M. Intake fraction of urban wood smoke. Environmental Science & Technology. 2009; 43(13):4701–4706.
Reisen F, Meyer CP, Keywood MD. Impact of biomass burning sources on seasonal aerosol air quality. Atmospheric Environment. 2013; 67:437–447.
Robinson D. 2.4 times more PM2.5 pollution from domestic wood burning than traffic. BMJ, 2015; 350:h2757.
Scauzillo S. Why your fireplace is ruining the environment. San Gabriel Valley Tribune. 2015, January 30.
Semmens E, Noonan C, Allen R, Weiler E, Ward T. Indoor particulate matter in rural, wood stove heated homes, Environmental Research. 2015; 138:93–100.
Sigsgaard T, Forsberg B, Annesi-Maesano I, Blomberg A, Bølling A, Boman C. et al. Health impacts of anthropogenic biomass burning in the developed world. European Respiratory Journal. 2015; 46(6):1577–88.
Srivastava D., Saksakulkrai S., Acton WJ F, Rooney DJ, Hall J, Hou S, Wolstencroft M, Bartington S, Harrison RM, Shi Z, Bloss WJ. Comparative receptor modelling for the sources of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) at urban sites in the UK. Atmospheric Environment. 2025; 343:120963.
Su J, Allen G, Miller PJ, Brauer M. Spatial modeling of residential woodsmoke across a non-urban upstate New York region. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2011; 6:85-94.
Szidat S, Prévôt A, Sandradewi J, Alfarra, M, Synal H, et al. Dominant impact of residential wood burning on particulate matter in Alpine valleys during winter. Geophysical Research Letters. 2007; 34(5).
Thatcher TL, Kirchstetter TW, Malejan CJ, Ward CE. Infiltration of black carbon particles from residential woodsmoke into nearby homes. Open Journal of Air Pollution. 2014; 3:111–120.
Thatcher TL, Kirchstetter TW, Tan SH, Malejan CJ and Ward CE. Near-field variability of residential woodsmoke concentrations. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences. 2014; 4:622-635.
Thatcher TL, Kirchstetter TW, et al. Assessing near-field exposures from distributed residential wood smoke combustion sources. Prepared for California Air Resources Board and California Environmental Protection Agency. 2011.
Trojanowski R., Fthenakis V. Nanoparticle emissions from residential wood combustion: A critical literature review, characterization, and recommendations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2019; 103:515–528.
Trompetter WJ, Davy PK, Markwitz DA. Influence of environmental conditions on carbonaceous particle concentrations within New Zealand. Journal of Aerosol Science. 2010; 41(1):134–142.
United States EPA. Final report: polar organic compounds in fine particles from the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Regional airshed. 2009.
VanderSchelden G, de Foy B, Herring C, Kaspari S, VanReken T, and Jobson B. Contributions of wood smoke and vehicle emissions to ambient concentrations of volatile organic compounds and particulate matter during the Yakima wintertime nitrate study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2017; 122:1871–1883.
van Pinxteren D, Engelhardt V, Mothes F, Poulain L, Fomba KW, Spindler G, Cuesta-Mosquera A, Tuch T, Müller T, Wiedensohler A, Löschau G, Bastian S, Herrmann H. Residential wood combustion in Germany: A twin-site study of local village contributions to particulate pollutants and their potential health effects. ACS Environmental Au. 2024; 4(1):12-30.
Vicente ED and Alves CA. An overview of particulate emissions from residential biomass combustion. Atmospheric Research. 2018; 199:159–185.
Wang Q, Shao M, Zhang Y, Wei Y, Hu M, Guo S. Source apportionment of fine organic aerosols in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2009; 9:8573–8585.
Wang Y, Hopke PK. Is Alaska truly the great escape from air pollution? Long term source apportionment of fine particulate matter in Fairbanks, Alaska. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2014; 14:1875–1882.
Ward T, Lange T. The impact of wood smoke on ambient PM2.5 in Northern Rocky Mountain Valley communities. Environmental Pollution. 2010; 158(3):723–729.
Washington State Department of Ecology Air Quality Program. Health effects and economic impacts of fine particle pollution in Washington. 2009. Publication number: 09‐02‐021.
Yli-Tuomi T, Siponen T, Taimisto RP, Aurela M, Teinlila K, Hillamo R, Pekkanen J, Salonen RO, Lanki T. Impact of wood combustion for secondary heating and recreational purposes on particulate air pollution in a suburb in Finland. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015; 49(7):4089–4096.
Zalzal J, Liu Y, Smargiassi A, Hatzopoulou M. Improving residential wood burning emission inventories with the integration of readily available data sources. Science of the Total Environment. 2024; 946:174226.
Zauli-Sajani S, Thunis P, Pisoni E, Bessagnet B, Monforti-Ferrario F, De Meij A, Pekar F, Vignati E. Reducing biomass burning is key to decrease PM2.5 exposure in European cities. Scientific Reports. 2024; 14(1):10210.
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Wood smoke is toxic pollution
Ancelet T, Davy P, Trompetter W, Markwitz A, Weatherburn D. Carbonaceous aerosols in a wood burning community in rural New Zealand. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2013; 4(3):245–249.
Avagyan R, Nyström Lindgren R, Boman C, Westerholm R. Particulate hydroxy-PAH emissions from a residential wood log stove using different fuels and burning conditions. Atmospheric Environment. 2016; 140:1–9.
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Bari M, Baumbach G, Kuch B, Scheffknecht G. Air pollution in residential areas from wood-fired heating. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2011; 11(6):749–757.
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See also references for Toxins and Wood Smoke Is PM.
Citizen science air monitoring
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PurpleAir laser particle counters and air quality monitoring network.
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Robinson DL, Goodman N, Vardoulakis S. Five years of accurate PM2.5 measurements demonstrate the value of low-cost PurpleAir monitors in areas affected by woodsmoke. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(23):7127.
South Coast Air Quality Management District. Community in Action: A Comprehensive Educational Toolkit on Air Quality Sensors. 2021.
Organizations, blogs, misc.
Asthma Australia has information on wood heaters and asthma.
Australian Air Quality Group’s Clean Air, Better Health site has information about wood heater pollution in Australia and beyond.
Breathe Clean Air Comox Valley is a wood smoke pollution advocacy group in British Columbia’s Comox Valley.
Burning Issues was one of the first websites about wood smoke pollution.
Clean Air Canberra is a wood smoke pollution advocacy group in the Australian Capital Territory.
Clean Air in London is an air quality campaign organization that, among other issues, raises awareness of the “cosy world of the wood stove industry” with UK regulators.
Communities Against Woodsmoke is a Scotland-based “grassroots volunteer-led campaign group” that seeks to raise awareness about the health and environmental harms caused by wood burning.
Communities for Clean Air Network is a wood smoke pollution-centered air quality advocacy group in Australia.
Families for Clean Air is a long-running wood smoke pollution advocacy nonprofit based in the San Francisco Bay Area in California.
Global Action Plan in the UK organizes an annual Clean Air Night to raise awareness about residential wood burning. They also issued a “Policy pathway to reduce air pollution by phasing out domestic burning by 2030.”
Green Global Future, based in Denmark, issued a report about Pollution from Residential Wood Burning (PDF).
Healthy Indoor Environment, also based in Denmark, has information on the indoor air quality effects of wood burning.
Hudson Valley Air Quality Coalition (HVAQ) is a community air quality advocacy group with a core emphasis on raising awareness about wood smoke pollution.
UK-based Impact on Urban Health offers research-based advice on how to discuss the health impacts of wood burning with the public.
London Wood Burning Project is a public health awareness campaign run by several London boroughs.
Mums for Lungs is a London-based network of parents and others throughout the UK who advocate for clean air. Wood burning is one of their core campaign areas.
The Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment in the Australian Capital Territory investigated Wood heaters in the ACT.
Only Clean Air: Helping to End Wood Smoke Pollution is a Canadian blog.
Partnership for Policy Integrity has information on biomass energy.
Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment (UPHE) has information on wood smoke pollution, including a 2015 report on the health consequences of wood smoke.
Wood smoke websites in other languages
Familles pour l'air pur is a Quebec, Canada-based advocacy group. (French/English)
Luft Köln “raises awareness about the harmful effects on people and the environment caused by the use of wood-burning stoves and pellet heating systems in Cologne.” (German)
Stichting HoutrookVrij (Wood Smoke-Free Foundation) is a group in the Netherlands working to raise awareness. (Dutch)
Stop met stoken is based in Flanders, Belgium. (Dutch)