Wood Smoke Stories

Smoke in Vancouver

Vancouver, British Columbia “neighbours” insist on heating their house by burning wood… In his opinion, clean wood makes clean smoke. I am quoting verbatim. “Clean wood makes clean smoke.”

They had new windows installed a while back, now they keep them open. You read that correctly, they keep at least one of them wide open with a fan in it 24/7. Now they installed a second corrugated liner in their large chimney and are firing up that second appliance too.

Have been looking for help to stop this insane behaviour for years. City, metro Vancouver, province, federal government, health board, BC Lung Association. Pretty much get laughed out the door wherever I go. They look at me as if something was wrong with me for needing clean air, yet they have signs up indicating that their office is a fragrance free area.

To add insult to injury, I even saved her life a few years back when she had a seizure and was aspirating her noodle soup. Thanks anyways. Had the house on the market this spring, 2016, some prospective buyers walked when they saw the woodpiles in the backyard next door. Has been going on for years and no help. Cannot afford to sue for nuisance, sure would like to. Any help greatly appreciated. FOR CLEAN AIR.

Roy and family